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Zhifang Jiang Associate Professor
Zhifang Jiang received his master's degree from Shandong Polytechnic University in 1992, and is an associate professor of Software College, Shandong University,aslo is reading for Dr. degree as an on-the-job doctor student. |
Courses: Computer Graphics Human Computer Interaction Database Principle Software Item Management Software Process Improvement
Research Interests: Human Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality Data and Information Visualization Data Mining GIS Applications
Selected Papers:
Zhifang Jiang,Xiangxu Meng, Chenglei Yang, et al. A BP Neural Network Prediction Model of the Urban Air Quality Based on Rough Set, The 4rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08),2008 . (EI)
Zhifang Jiang,Xiangxu Meng,Wu Qiang.A Spatial Data Classifier Model Based on Probability Rough Set. Journal of Computational Information Systems,vol3. October,2007.(EI)
JIANG Zhi-fang, MENG Xiang-xu, FAN Fang-fang, WANG Rui.Visualization of Air Quality Data Based on Circle Segment Technique,JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION,2006年Vol.18,No.10,2006.
Jiang Zhifang, Meng Xiangxu, Li Guanxong. A Generation Algorithm of Contour Lines and Its Applications .CAD/CG'2006
Jiang Zhifang , Zhu Cuiling , Wu Qiang.A Method to Classify the Texts Unlabeled, Computer Engineering, Vol33,No12,2007(EI)
Selected Project: 1. The Research of Jinan Railway Signal Yystem CAD Design (1990 ~ 1991) 2. The Laiwu Electric Power Bureau Management Information System (1996) 3. Futian Vehicle Co., Ltd. Logistics Information Management System (1998) 4. The Dynamic Simulation of Liquid Metal Molecular Genetic Characteristics (1999 ~ 2001) 5. The Research and Development of Jinan Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network and Early Warning Systems (2002 ~ 2003) 6. The Research and Development of On-line monitoring system of Jinan Smoke(2003 ~ 2004) 7. The Research and Development of Jinan Environmental Monitoring Management Information System (2003 ~ 2004) 8. The Research and Development of Jinan Pollution Sources Monitoring and Management Information Systems (2003 ~ 2004) 9. The Research and Development of Shandong Provincial Expressway domain Evaluation of The Ecological Environment and Ecological Construction of Green Model Based on GIS.(2003) 10. The Research and Development of Shandong Province and 17 city's Environment and Pollution Control System (2004 ~ 2006) 11. Jinan Environmental and pollution Integrated monitoring platform Based on GIS.(2006 ~ 2007) 12. The Collaborative Environmental Monitoring Laboratory Information Management System (ELIMS) Based on the Workflow Platform (2007年) 13. The Collaborative OA Workflow Platform of Environmental Monitoring Station (2007) 14. The Environmental Emergencies emergency command system of Jinan City(2007) 15. The GIS-based Shandong Environmental Information Dissemination System (2007 ~ 2008)